Monday, September 27, 2010

Walla Walla Washington

When I was a kid, summer held all sorts of possibilities. Day camp at Bressler Park, Girl Scout camp, church camp, swimming lessons and the annual Olson family road trip. But most importantly, summer included a "vacation" with my Grandparents. I would pack up a little bag and spend three or four days with G&G in Scribner. We would play cards, go for walks, visit Great Grandma in the nursing home, read books, go to the pool, take lunch out to the boys in the field, pick flowers and I would sit a the table and color for hours. It was one of my favorite parts of my summer and when I look back upon the time we shared, I feel so lucky.

Lucky because now, I feel like I'm running out of time with them. When you're a kid, time seems to stand still for everyone else but move for you because you grow so much. But when you're an adult, you realize that time moves at the same pace for all of us. So now, I take every opportunity to get some of that time back. G&G were in Pullman visiting Marilyn and Tim this past week and I drove out to Walla Walla on Saturday to meet them for the weekend.

At the Sheep-to-Shawl festival in Walla Walla.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how you all have a little red on.