Thursday, January 31, 2013

Git 'er dun.

Sometimes, a yogurt bribe is the only way to get certain things done around here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oma & Papa

One of the most difficult things about living in Oregon has been living away from our family.  Especially now that we have Kate, it is hard not have our parents/aunts/uncles/cousins/great grandmas around to watch her grow up.  Lucky for us, we have managed to see my parents and B's mom at least every six months.  My parents came for a visit last week and Kate is still talking about her Oma and Papa.

We spent a lot of time hanging out at home, playing with the little munchkin, but we did get to show them some new sights in Portland including OMSI, the science museum.

Kate experiences a 5.9 earthquake in the shake house.
 What is up with mom's hands?
 Hmm, even the big kids can find some fun at the science museum.
Snuggles with Oma.
 Tickles from Papa.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Over the weekend, we experienced a weather phenomenon that folks around here call the "inversion." Basically, due to some air currents and drafts and high pressure, the temps on the mountain soar and the temps in the valley plummet. You may recall several years ago when we climbed Mt. St. Helens during an inversion event. No coats, at 8,000 feet, in January.

B and I wrestled with ideas about what to do with ourselves during this amazing sunny weather and ultimately decided to skip the mountain crowds (and mountain loveliness) and opt for a bike ride along the Portland waterfront instead.

Kate will now demonstrate how to properly dress for a bike ride during an inversion event.
Down coat, check. Hat under helmet, check. Fleece blanket, check. Fish crackers, check.
Alright, let's roll!

Bryan will now demonstrate his best "please-stop-taking-photos-and-get-back-on-your-bike-because-I'm-freezing" smile.

Kate capped off her ride with a satisfying rock throwing session in the parking lot.  She gives the inversion two thumbs up.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Daddy Daycare

When Little K isn't livin' it up with the other kids at daycare, she is spending her days and hours at Daddy Daycare.  B stays home with her while I work the rest of the week and they have an awesome time together. They go on walks, to the swimming pool, to library story time, stack cups, play chase, walk to the store, blow bubbles etc.  It's a regular ol' fun fest around here.

Right after Christmas, they hooked up with Geoff and his girls, the other primo Daddy Daycare in the Portland area, and headed to the zoo.  Two daddies and three girls strollin' the zoo on a freezin' cold day? Probably the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Around here lately...

A certain little someone has been sick this past week or so and we have been taking a break from all things fun to hang out at home and let her recover.  We have not, however, been taking a break from video-taping Kate's cuteness.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013 is already looking bright.