Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kate's First Week

Some photos from our first week at home with Kate. She eats and sleeps and we sit and stare at her. It's turning into a really nice routine.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fashionably Late

After waiting nine months and one week, our little bundle of joy finally arrived on Saturday. We are thrilled to introduce Kate Suzanne Hoybook, born at 7:18pm on Saturday, August 13th. Weighing in at a healthy 9lbs. 9oz. and measuring 20 1/2 inches long, she was delivered via c-section after about 30 hours of pretty hard labor.

I'll let the photos B took during the whole process tell the story. Kate is absolutely perfect and we couldn't be more in love!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Due date, schmu date.

As our official due date, Friday the 5th, came and went, I'm starting to feel like I will be pregnant until the end of time. So, to make me feel better, here is a list of animals that gestate longer than me.

Manatees. 13 months.
Camels. 14 months.
Donkeys. 14 months.
Giraffes. 15 months.
Walruses. 16 months.
Whales. 19 months.
Elephants. 2 years.
Sharks. 2 to 3 years.

There. I sort-of feel better. Come on out baby girl, it's time!