Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kate Movie Wednesday

Conversation with the fridge.
(Sorry for the shaky camera work. The camera woman may or may not have been stifling laughter.)

Sharapova Jr.

This photo makes her daddy very proud.

A Day in the Life

Bike ride + playground + splash park + fro-yo = pooped.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Zoo!

About a month ago, B and I took Kate to the Oregon Zoo for the first time to continue her birthday celebration.  We had a great time--saw some elephants, some fish, couple of lions, a goat tried to eat my sweater--it was awesome.

Somehow, we have no proof of this trip because the photos are missing.  Shoot.  Well, we fixed that little problem while we were in Omaha and went to the Henry Doorly Zoo with my friends and their kids.  It was an even better time. The Omaha Zoo kicks the Oregon Zoo's little hiney.  No contest.

Nebraska Friends

Kate with the Hortons, Annamae and Abbie
 Having fun on the giant slides in downtown Omaha.
 Organizing the rocks.
 The girls downtown, not sure which camera they are supposed to look at.
 The Berge, Fritz, Rethwisch & Hoybook kids.  Remember this photo from last year?
 Some of my best girls--Mindy, Carla & Lisa

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Keeping our schedules full

When we go back home to Nebraska, I always try to make the most of our time there.  B would say that I try to "kill us with the scheduling", but I don't care. While we sometimes need a vacation when we get home from our vacation, I love going here and there to visit our friends and family.
 One stop that I love to make is in Scribner to see my Grandma.  She is aging, as grandparents tend to do, but her smile can still light up the room and that twinkle in her eye when she looks at Kate is bright as day.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oma & Opa's House

Forty Years

On September 2nd, back in 1972, two people tied the knot.

On September 8th, in 2012, we celebrated their 40th anniversary.

 The Olson kids decided that 40 years of marriage was a pretty big accomplishment, one that was definitely worth a party.  So, we threw one for my parents in Wayne a couple of weekends ago.  Mom and Dad were pretty reluctant to have a fuss made over them, but I think they managed to have a pretty good time.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!