Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reason #317

Why Portland is awesome, reason #317: Sunday Parkways.

Sunday Parkways is this way cool thing the City of Portland does on one Sunday per month in the summer.  They close off an 8 mile loop of city streets connecting city parks, each month in a different Portland neighborhood. People ride bikes without worrying about cars and the neighborhood folks play music from their porches and leave free watermelon out on a plate by the street.  It's pretty darn awesome.  I saddled up on B's bike and pulled Kate in her chariot for the first time and we had a blast.

Correction, I had a blast.  Kate took a nap.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Me Time

In the newest edition of the IKEA catalog, the bathroom section is titled "Me-ing." This is the accompanying description:

 Buried beneath all the things we squeeze into our lives every day, there is something we shouldn't forget to take care of. Ourselves. The bathroom is probably the only place in the home where every one of us can be 100% alone. This small, wonderful and private place is where you can escape the outside world, even if only for a couple of minutes.

Hmmm, not so much in this house.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Kate goes to the beach

When I asked Kate what she wanted to do when with her Granny last week, she said, "Oh, Mother, I would just love to take Granny to the beach.  I think it would be most delightful!" (Actually, it was more like, "Oooh, blaahasplabababa, blah splbast dis."  I'm an excellent translator.)

Well, we couldn't disappoint her now could we.  Granny was here for a week and we snuck off on Tuesday and headed for Cannon Beach.  The weather was questionable, but that didn't seem to dampen our spirits or Kate's for that matter.  The girl played hard.  Someone needs a sandbox, ASAP.

Monday, August 13, 2012

One Year

What does a one year-old do on her birthday?  Hit up the spray park for some afternoon splashing.
Happy First Birthday to our sweet, funny, curious, energetic little girl.  We love you so.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


And just like that, Kate is one year old.

We had a small party for her with most of her favorite people in attendance--there were balloons, presents, girls in the pool and most importantly, cake.

Helping Granny organize the balloons.
 One candle for one year.
 Not sure about cake, but definitely thumbs up to frosting.

 Manny waits patiently for crumbs.

 Eden and Haley showing Kate her new blue cart.
New shoes and a ribbon windsock from Uncle Craig and Aunt Bridget.
Helping Uncle Craig build a tower with her new legos.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Ready to ride

Always learning

A little camera lesson after an impromptu photo session in the "studio".
