Thursday, July 28, 2011

Together as Two

As the arrival of our little one quickly approaches (one more week! Yikes!), B and I have been taking every opportunity to remind ourselves, "Now, why did we do this? We had it pretty great just the two of us." We've been going on dates--out to dinner, to a movie, a fun day trip to Bend a couple of weeks ago--stuff we won't necessarily get to do very often once Little Miss is here. And it has been great. The two of us have a pretty good time together, just take a look back in this blog. The adventures are plentiful.

So, then, why did we do this? Because we were ready for our lives as two to change. We can't wait to take the little one on our adventures, show her how to camp, ski, hike and ride bikes. Yeah, we had it pretty good as two, but three is going to be awesome.

Nice Little Saturday

Katie and I packed up the bump, my cankles and my five chins and hit the Lake Oswego Farmer's market yesterday. This is my favorite time of year at the market because you can get any fruit or veggie under the sun. Our haul included fresh baked breads, peaches, raspberries, cherries, green beans, habenero jelly and tomatoes. Oh, and Katie's 40 pounds of fresh flowers. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Berry Pickin'

Julia and I took her girls, Eden and Haley and her niece Kaelynn, blueberry picking out on Sauvie Island today. We ended up with over 16 pounds of berries and three very dirty babies. Success, full success.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

The bump celebrates America

The bump and her best friend, cankles, enjoying some grub on the 4th of July.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

The bump goes to the beach

Cannon Beach, OR

Husker Girls Weekend

Remember this? And this? Oh, and how could anyone forget this? Well, it was that time of year again--the annual Husker roommate reunion. However, due to a certain someone (ahem, me) who had travel restrictions due to a certain other someone (ahem, Baby H.), we decided that this year would be a girls-only trip and that they would come to Portland. It. Was. So. Great.

Jody, Gwen and Liz flew in last Thursday night and quickly proceeded to forget that they had children and husbands. Yeah, yeah, they remembered to call home and of-course we talked about them, but when it came time to deciding how we would spend our three short days, no one had any trouble coming up with ideas. Gwen's request? "Let's just go to a store and stay in there as long as we want, and then maybe try some clothes on. That sounds awesome."

After that, I knew exactly what to do. Shopping, lunch out, pedicures, a movie in a theatre, dinner out, a drive to the coast, more shopping, dinner at home, relaxing. We covered it all and managed to get in some great girl time in the process.

Love these girls!