Monday, September 13, 2010

The birds, the birds!

A couple of years ago, over the course of about 6 weeks or so, B and I watched the entire Planet Earth series from the Discovery Channel. If you haven't seen it, you should because it is a fascinating look at the wildlife of our planet. Polar bears on the hunt, migrating elephants, the elusive snow leopard.

What struck B and I as the most fascinating though, wasn't watching the great white sharks actually jump out of the water, but rather seeing all of the crazy, neurotic birds of the world. Canadian snow geese that will challenge a fox that is going after its nest. Birds of paradise in Borneo that make clicking sounds and dance around to attract mates. These amazing cranes that migrate over the Himalayan mountains. Birds are fascinating. So, when Alyson and Brad suggested that we have dinner together last week, I said, "Hey! Let's go see the swifts!"

The swifts I speak of are the Portland Vaux Swifts. Every September, around 30,000 of them roost in the old chimney of an elementary school in NW Portland. It's become the event of the fall in Portland--pack a blanket and a picnic and sit on the hill by the school and watch the swifts gather. Then at dusk, they swirl down into the chimney for the night. It's absolutely fantastic. (You can also watch adorable children run around and play and slide down the hill on cardboard boxes, but really, the birds are the show.)

The Swift Watch 2010 Team: Brad, Alyson and B.

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