Monday, September 13, 2010

Five years ago

Five years ago. That's how long it had been since I saw my friend Marissa. Five years, until this past weekend. Alas, I don't have photographic evidence, but I got to spend Saturday with her, showing her around Portland on a day that had to be weather perfected.

Marissa and I lived next door to each other in Neihardt Hall for two years in college and it was so great to see her and catch up. And eat and drink of course! We started out at the Saturday market and then headed to the food cart pod at 12th and Hawthorne for some Potato Champion. (Yep, Portlanders, you know what I'm talking about.) Then we drove up to Mt. Tabor for a view of the city and then on to Widmer Brothers Brewing for Oktoberfest. We topped off her short visit with tacos at Chez Jose with B and then Katie's dance show. Whew.

Great day with a great old friend.

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