Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Saber-toothed Bluebirds

Last weekend, we were off on yet another adventure with the Lodges.  (Or, the "Incredilodges" as we like to call them.)  They have initiated an annual rafting trip down the Deschutes River near Maupin and we joined them again this year for the three day rafting extravaganza.

Our sunscreen arsenal.Katherine, Rhiannon, Julia, me, Katie & EmilyKatie and I relax at the campsite.  The Lodges thought of everything:  fresh salad, beers, music, even cupcakes for Geoff's birthday.  They do camping up right.Julia lets one fly in a heated game of Blongo.Katie, Julia, me and Emily.  Just about the cutest rafters you'll find this side of the Rockies.  Our raft was so lucky.
Rafting the Deschutes river out of Maupin goes a little like this:  get in your raft, float a little bit, go through the first big rapid, get whopped by Nita, have a water fight with another raft, go through the second big rapid, back load the boat and ride the bull, stop for lunch, have another water fight with another raft, get thrown in by the boys on your raft, go through the third big rapid, hike up to the rock slides, float through the fourth big rapid in your life jacket, get in another water fight, pull out before the waterfall. Rinse and repeat.
On the second day, we decided if we were going to be a force in the water fight business, we needed an intimidating mascot.  After several vetoes, we settled on the the "saber-toothed bluebird." A locally known bird of prey with a pretty color, pretty voice, but once you get close and get it wet with a super soaker or a 5-gallon bucket, the fangs come out.  Suits our raft full of girls quite well.

B trying to fish us up some dinner.
One last group shot on the third day-- Kendra, Katie, me, B, Julia, Geoff, Cyd and Alex. 
More photos on Julia's flickr site, click here.

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