Sunday, August 17, 2008

Golden Friday

So, B has been doing the photographer thing for about 10 months now and I'm happy to report that all is well-- he's booked with David into October and is already meeting with clients for '09 so I take that as a good sign.  My only complaint is the scheduling.  Oh, the scheduling.  We have lost our Saturdays forever and B is pretty much glued to the computer, downloading photos and all.

However, just when it starts to look really bleak (and by bleak, I mean B and I not spending any time together for about a week), the photographer thing works out in my favor.  Sometimes, the clients get married at really cool places like... I don't know... the beach maybe.  And sometimes I manage to get two days off work at the exact time these great destination weddings are scheduled.  Really, I have no idea how it happens.
Friday's gig was in Gold Beach on the southern Oregon coast about 30 miles from California. Since it's about 5 hours from Portland, we took off on Thursday after work and stopped halfway in Florence, one of our favorite little beach towns.  We woke up early and cruised the 101 down to Gold Beach.  

The wedding was great-- simple, relaxed, just close family-- and it was a great day at the coast-- sunny and hot.  I hauled around a camera as B's unofficial second shooter and had really good time, clicking away at my every whim.   

B had to shoot yesterday, in Portland, so our trip was super short and we had to drive back at 3 a.m. but it was worth it to get out of town for awhile.  I got some sun, some sand in my toes and some really delicious scallops for dinner Friday night.  I think I could get used to this photographer thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome that you got to spend a mini vacation at the beach! every time i think about the wedding i get more and more excited about bryan's photos! i just checked his website to see the latest ones...
by the way, i know what you mean by not really seeing bryan for almost a week at a time--it sounds just like my world...