Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mt. Adams? Check.

Mountaineering is an interesting sport. It can be physically demanding, mentally exhausting and awe-inspiring all at once, which is why I always agree to go on a trip when invited. But is it fun? The jury is still out. The top sure is awesome, but getting there? Oh, I've done more enjoyable things in my life. But, for some reason, that moment of glee at the top, makes up for it. We climbed Mt. Adams last week and as I sit and reflect on the experience, I can't remember the climb. But I remember the top. Summit fever--it's what keeps people coming back for more.

B looking south toward Mt. Hood in the distance. Approx. elevation: 7,900 ft.
Me, climbing up through one of the first really big snow fields. All of eastern Oregon at my back. Approx. elevation: 8,600 ft.
Our little campsite on the Lunch Counter at sunrise. Mt. St. Helens is off to the upper right. The long dark triangle is Mt. Adams casting its shadow on southwestern Washington. Elevation: 9,100 ft.
Looking up toward the first false summit from our campsite. False summit elevation: 11,520 ft. The long lines you see running up and down are the glissade trails. It takes about 4 hours to climb from here to the summit and about 30 minutes to get back down.
Me, taking a rest at the stop of the false summit, Piker's Peak. I was in just a t-shirt until this point and then, in usual Gayle fashion, added two more layers and one more hat.
They call it a false summit because you think it's the top. While you're climbing up it, you think, "awesome, the top is right there." Then you get there and see that you have about 700 feet more to go. It's pretty deflating. Once at the false summit, you then have to cross a big snow field saddle over to the real summit.
Looking across the saddle over to the true summit, that little bit of snow sticking up in the upper left. Only 700 more feet up!Celebration on the summit. Elevation: 12,276 ft.Our climbing team included five of my co-workers: (from left) Brandon, age 20; Ron, age 64; Kim, age 40-ish; Caroline, age 40-ish; and our fearless climb leader, Doug, age 50.
B, dropping in off the false summit. It took me 30 minutes to get down. B? About 5 and he loved every minute of it.Descending after our successful summit.Back on dirt. Ron, Caroline, me, Doug, Kim & Brandon.
On the way home, I turned to B in the jeep and said, "I'm done climbing mountains. If someone asks me to do this again, I'll say no." At that point, I remembered how my legs ached and how my shoulders hurt from such a heavy pack. Right now, all I remember is this:
Guess I'll be coming back for more, just like the rest of you.

More photos here: B's Flickr page

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