Friday, July 04, 2008

The Huskers Return

Every summer, over Labor Day weekend, my parents head to Lincoln to meet up with their college friends.  When we were little, we always played a round of mini-golf and then headed over to a park to gorge ourselves on Valentino's Pizza.  They have been out of college for 36 years, but this tradition has stayed firm.  The destination in Lincoln has changed-- the East campus Union, the nearest Valentino's restaurant-- but the date and purpose always stay the same.  Labor Day Sunday.  Eat pizza.  Talk.  Talk some more.

My college friends and I have started the same kind of tradition.  Since we graduated, we've all moved to different parts of the country-- Jody and Travis to Portland, Gwen and Matt to Minneapolis, Karen and Tony to Norfolk, and Liz and Tom to Albuquerque.  But, we've still managed to see each other at least once every summer.  The destination always changes, but the purpose stays the same.  Eat.  Drink.  Talk.  Talk some more.  

I've been blogging about my "real" vacation this summer, a road trip to New Mexico.  B and I just got back from our eight day adventure on Wednesday afternoon.  It was just another installment in our new tradition.  

Since B and I drove to ABQ, I'm going to try and divide up the trip into several posts.  So, sit back, relax, and watch the Huskers return.

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