Sunday, July 06, 2008


Ok, ok, just one more post from the vacation and then I promise to stop.  Promise.

So, when you drive 1600 miles one way to get somewhere, you see a lot.  Beautiful scenery, sunrises, sunsets, people from all parts of the country and maybe even the world.  You also see a lot of stuff that makes you do a double take and say, "what the.....?" All I can say is, thank goodness for fast digital cameras.

Take for example, what we'll call, Exhibit A.  The Hole 'N' the Rock in southeastern Utah.
We drove by so fast, we really weren't sure what it actually was, but a quick Google search brought me to the Hole in the Rock website.  Apparently, it's a house in the rock.  Complete with a gift shop of-course, as well as a petting zoo, trading post and guided tours.  Oh, and a $5 admission fee.  What kills me is that they turned the mountain into a freakin' billboard! Seriously, are you kidding me? 

And now, Exhibit B.  Goat tied to stick in Monticello, UT.
We were stuck in "downtown" Monticello waiting on some road construction and looked over to see this little guy tied to a stick in the side yard of a repair garage.  Anything that might at one time have been green in the circle of his rope was gone.  Who ties a goat to a stick?

And finally, Exhibit C.  Some genius advertising placement in Farmington, NM.


Katherine McDonald said...

You tie a goat to a stick so that it doesn't wander away before eating all the brush you tied it there to clear away (goats eat anything). I know this because we have blackberry bushes in our back yard and the goat is coming this week to eat them.

Bobrobyn said...

That some strategically placed advertising there. If someone didn't already feel weird going into that store, they will now. Welcome to the bible belt!