Friday, July 04, 2008

Let the games begin

The ultimate destination was a cabin in the Sandia mountains outside of Cedar Crest, east of Albuquerque.  Gwen, Karen and Jody all had babies last summer so we rented a house big enough for five Husker girls, three husbands and three babies.  We had such a blast. 

On Friday, we all piled in the cars and headed up to the Sandia Crest, the summit of the Sandia range, topping out at 10,678 feet.  It was weird to be up there and think that if we were back in Oregon, we'd be standing on about 20 feet or so of snow.  
Me and Baby #1, Gavin.
Gwen and Jody on the Sandia Crest Summit.
B on the summit.All of us-- Matt with Gavin on his back, Tom carrying Aubrie, Jody and Jonah.  Karen, Gwen, Liz and me in the back.  B, naturally, is behind the camera lens.
We quickly learned that when you have eight adults and three one year-olds, routine and schedules pretty much go out the window.  By the time some of us were ready to go, there was usually a baby that was sleeping or needed to eat.

This didn't phase us too much because we could just go outside and play a couple of rousing games of BlongoBall.  What is BlongoBall you ask?  Well, only the funnest yard game this side of the Mississippi.  My parents played this game at a friend's house and bought my brothers and I each a set for Christmas.  We had no idea my parents were so hip.  This game is seriously a good time. 

Matt kicking butt during a round of "Extreme BlongoBall."  i.e. playing with a baby on your back.

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