Sunday, March 23, 2008

If the world is my gym

Then Hamilton Mountain is my treadmill.My brother Scott is coming to visit in May to join us on a climb up Mt. Hood. I keep telling him that it really isn't a "walk in the park" and that he will need to train a little bit. I suddenly realized the other day that I should start listening to myself: "Hey, Gayle, it's not going to be a walk in the park. Start training."

So, B and I strapped on some packs and took advantage of a gorgeous Oregon Saturday to do a training hike up Hamilton Mountain in the gorge. You climb about 2,000 feet in about 4 miles. Not too shabby.That's us on the summit-- 2,488 feet. If you squint just right, you can see Mt. Adams in Washington between our heads.

We did this same hike about three years ago with our friend Heidi. Let's just say the weather was a wee bit different that time.

1 comment:

Team Horton said...

2,488 feet!?!?! Dude, we roll out of bed at 5,000 feet every morning! You need to come here to train in the altitude :) Good luck!

Team Horton