Friday, March 28, 2008

Free is such a good price

When was the last time you set foot in a public library?

I remember going to the Wayne Public Library when I was a kid-- the picture books were all in the basement with its clanky pipes and brightly colored carpet. I think the walls were green..... my mom let us pick out books to our heart's content.

At UNL, the library is huge. Two buildings, three floors I think. One side had these weird sort-of half floors, where "the stacks" were and the ceiling was super low. The basement was the creepiest place. Silent. But there were always Internet computers open, the copies were cheap and it was so so silent.

When I moved to Oregon almost five years ago, Kristina and I would make a daily trek to the Tigard library to spend an hour on the computer, emailing, surfing the net, etc. We rarely checked out books though. Then, we moved to Northeast Portland and I kind-of forgot about it.

Well, I have recently re-discovered the Tigard public library. I've been reading more since last summer, so for some reason I'm book-starved. I've been buying $3 novels at Goodwill and it finally just clicked that I could just hit the library. Duh. It's even on my way to work. Anyway, let me tell you what a great place it is. Books, magazines, DVDs, best-sellers, cds. I feel like I've hit the jackpot. Not only did I find the greatest book of sailboat drawings, but we also came home with 12 cds. And the best part? The price. FREE.


Julia said...

So true! I have so many fond memories at the library as a kid... But ever since college when libraries were great places to take naps, I haven't really been.

Craig Olson said...

those clanky pipes in the basement were freaky!