Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Honorary Wildcat

When you get married, you not only marry the man, but you also marry everything about his life. His family, his history, his job, his car, his fantastic skills in the kitchen, etc., but most importantly, you marry his loyalty to his alma mater.

Fortunately for Bryan, he married into a Nebraska Cornhusker football family, full of national championships and long-standing tradition. Unfortunately for me, I entered into an Arizona Wildcat union. While this is great during March madness, this is not so great during this time of year. Arizona football is not.... how should I say this.... very good.

Putting that aside, and being the sweet and incredibly thoughtful wife that I am, I got tickets for us to see the Arizona/Oregon State football game last weekend in Corvallis. The Beavers CRUSHED the Wildcats, 31-16. Once, when B cheered for a Wildcat first down, the woman in front of us turned around, patted his knee and said, "Ahhh, that's sweet." I told her I wasn't used to being one of the only people in a football stadium dressed in red.

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