Friday, September 26, 2014

The wonders of nature

Last night, Team Hoybook was making a sort-of late trek home from the ice cream store and we happened upon something quite amazing. It was just about dusk and as we passed this old school in our neighborhood, we saw some familiar birds swirling above it. B and I looked at each other and thought, "no, surely they can't be swifts, right?" But there they were. Flying in their circular formation and then diving into the old chimney on the top of the school. We stood there as long as Kate's patience would let us and then walked home in quiet wonder.

In Portland, every September, people flock to Chapman Elementary school to watch thousands of swifts dive into the old school chimney at dusk to roost for the night. They are only there for a couple of weeks in September and it literally is the event of the season. A few years back, we packed a picnic and joined the revelers. But here they were in Omaha doing the same thing. And no one knew about it. There weren't hundreds of people and photographers lined up on the hill to witness a wonder of nature. Just the Hoybooks, staring at the school while cars kept passing by.

We felt like we had just stumbled upon the best kept secret in Omaha. Swifts! People, there are swifts here and they fly into the chimney at dusk! And we also felt a little silly. This happens everyday, everywhere, whether we are there to photograph it while eat cheese and crackers or not. (sigh) Oh Portland, we miss your enthusiasm.

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