Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Garden, Episode 1

I'm a firm believer that many good ideas can come out of Happy Hour. My good friends from work, Linda and Sarah, and I meet about once a month for Happy Hour. We catch Sarah up on REI Tualatin gossip, she catches us up on her beautiful daughter. And we laugh, boy do we laugh.

Last fall, we started hatching the idea about planting a community garden of sorts. (We even went as far as raising chickens, but the more we thought about it, we decided that idea might have been the result of a two margarita night.) Linda's parents live on about three acres on a hill that gets great sunlight, so she offered up the land for our "farm." Thus, the Garden was born.

Today, we took the first steps. B and I headed over to our plot to put in our raised beds. Now, I should say here that I have an extremely black thumb. I'm don't know how it happened-- I come from a long lineage of green thumbs, but apparently those genes just didn't get transferred. When it comes to house plants, if I'm in charge, they will pretty much die a slow, wet death. I'm guilty of overwatering. Major overwatering. I just love them too much. I'm hoping that growing plants outdoors will help my chances. So in an effort to further boost my chances, we built two 8' x 4' raised beds today.
The next step will be mulch, the compost, then planting. I have a long way to go, but I think we got off on the right foot today.
This year's crop will hopefully include:
snow peas
and any other veggies we decide we MUST have.


Kristina said...

Looks good, Gayle! I was contemplating doing a full raised bed or two myself this year.

Team Horton said...

Do heirloom tomatoes. They may not be pretty, but they are delicious!

Julia said...

You look good in your gardening grubs! Watch out it's addicting... Before you know it you'll be spending every spare moment wandering in your garden watching for new growth and the first fruits of your labor. So excited to have another fellow gardening friend! :)