Monday, April 06, 2009

Rest area ahead

Ok, it's time for me to admit it.  I'm tired.  B is tired.  WE are tired.  I looked at the calendar today and thought, "What!  It's April?  What happened to March?"  And then I remembered.  We left part of March in Hawaii and the rest in Utah.  

This weekend rolled around and the weather was beeeyoootiful.  So naturally, B and I had big plans for Sunday-- tennis, bike ride, hike. Big plans.  

Want to know what really happened?  We played tennis for about half an hour, grabbed some lunch and blanket, went to the park and proceeded to read the paper in the sun and toss around the frisbee.  Then we went home and I took a nap.  That's right, I admit it.  It was 78 degrees out, in April, in OREGON and I took a nap.  Got a problem with it?  No?  Good.  Because it was delightful.

1 comment:

Julia said...

I'm really glad to hear that the Hoybooks actually know how to take some r&r every now and then! It's natural and it's human... you can't be super human ALL the time! :)