Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ahhh, sweet relief.

It's been a rough couple of weeks for me lately.  I've been this tight little ball of yucky stress, which will explain my obvious lack of new posts around these parts.  I was up to my ears at work planning an event for Sunday night and my Girls Inc. project culminated last week so I had been spending my days off actually still working.  Blech.  Let's just say the work/life balance did not swing in my favor last week.

(By the way, I need a new way to deal with my stress.  Right now, you know what I do?  I watch TV.  Some people eat, some drink, some work out, some shop.  Nope, not me!  I come home, sit my little hiney in front of the TV and watch for hours, grateful that I don't have to answer another question or make another decision.  And I'm not particular about what I watch either.  On one of my "days off" last week, I watched an entire episode of the Tyra Banks show.  I think it had something to do with daughters being mad at their stripper mothers.  Misery.)  

As of Sunday night, everything is now over.  Yesterday was a day off.  And all I felt all day was relief.  Shoulder relaxing, hot tea sipping relief.  I spent some time at the gym, finished a book and started a new one, took care of some errands.  Today, I sewed us a new set of curtains and baked some brownies.  And, I'm back to the blog.

Welcome back me, it's been too long. 


Team Horton said...

Yeah! We were getting lonely without your posts! And Tom and I know how you feel about the TV. It is certainly one of the easiest, most mind-numbing things do to after a stressful day. We keep saying we'll get rid of cable so we aren't so tempted, but it never seems to happen. Welcome back!

JEN said...

i'm glad to have you back too.
love love