Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm sorry, I meant Awesome-town, population: Us

After my last blog post, it was pointed out to me (by my dear husband who said, "hey, we're not boring!") that maybe Boring-town was a bit too harsh. I was merely trying to convey that we hadn't done anything "blog-worthy" lately. When I started the blog, I was afraid that we weren't interesting enough to write about everyday and this past week, I just felt like we hadn't done anything extraordinary.

However, the blog is really just a way to let everyone know what we've been up to. And, that's what we've been up to. I think that sometimes, I have this need for us to be always on the go, hiking, biking, climbing, whatever-- like we are wasting sunshine or days off if we're not. But the past couple of weeks have just been full of the normal rhythm of our lives. B went backpacking, I stayed home and went to Travis and Jody's baby shower. I got new glasses. B photographed a wedding. We both went to work. We saw Ocean's 13. We went to great party. We went mini-golfing with Geoff and Julia.

It may not be worthy of a screenplay or one of those documentaries they show at film festivals, but it's our life and it's our life together. And really, that alone makes it extraordinary.

For the record, Nick (the nameless co-worker in the last post) threw a great party for his 30th birthday. Especially because he hosted it as Earl, complete with the crazy mustache and the trashy-looking wife. We dined on pizza, cheetos and twinkies and drank Miller High Life in the backyard. If you get invited to one of his parties, you should go. You won't be disappointed.

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