Monday, October 13, 2014

The First Annual Hoybook Bowl

B and I spent eight Thanksgivings in Portland together. Some of those were spent at Marilyn and Tim's mountain cabin, some spent in Portland with friends, one even included my parents. Of the times we stayed in town, very often these Thanksgivings included a football game of some sort. (The staff at my REI store always organized a game since we all had stay in town to work on Black Friday.)

It was a tradition that B and I wanted to start here with our friends in Omaha. Last year, I got everyone rounded up and made plans for a Thanksgiving football game, only to be thwarted at the last minute because the high on Thanksgiving Day was going to be 25. Brr.

This year, we decided to just move it up a bit and over the weekend, we hosted the First Annual Hoybook Bowl.

Moms and kids versus dads might not have been completely fair, but I'm happy to report that there were no injuries and since we didn't really keep score, no losers either. :)

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