Saturday, December 17, 2011

Kate's First Christmas

Somehow, I'm not sure what ninja-like stealth force is responsible, but somehow, having a baby makes time go faster. I'm serious. I have never been more aware of time in my entire life. It was October like two seconds ago.

Which means when Thanksgiving rolled around I was all, "What?" Which also means that I was caught completely off-guard when December hit just two short weeks ago. Christmas was coming. Very, very soon. It's not that we have lots of shopping to take care of--I shipped our last packages out yesterday--or that we have lots of parties and events to attend. It's just that this is Kate's first Christmas and I did not want to disappoint.

Last Monday, we introduced her to what is fast becoming a Hoybook family tradition--cutting down our Christmas tree at a little tree farm. We headed south toward West Linn on a sunny and chilly morning and got Kate's first Christmas tree. Tuesday night, with her guidance from the comfort of her bouncy chair, it was decorated.
Merry Christmas!

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