Saturday, November 27, 2010

La Nina strikes again

I've been waiting for La Nina to arrive all year. La Nina means lots of snow and lots of snow means lots of skiing. When we started making plans for Thanksgiving at the cabin in the Wallowas, La Nina was on our side, dumping snow on the mountains just in time for some cross-country skiing.
Here's the thing about La Nina. She can be a loose cannon. The "mountain snow" started falling in town on Tuesday and turned our plans upside down. Snow covered roads from The Dalles to La Grande and highs of only 7 or 8 degrees at the cabin. Yikes. So, as you can imagine, we all scrapped plans for Thanksgiving at the cabin and Craig and Bridget came up to Portland for a couple of days. We managed to do cabin things like puzzles and play chinese checkers and of-course, drink an obscene amount of wine and eat an obscene amount of turkey. And, we did non-cabin things like watch an obscene amount of college football. But cabin or not, we have a lot to be thankful for and that never changes.

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