Friday, May 14, 2010

A New Place for our Heads

So, B and I are moving. Nine miles east of our current apartment to a nice little duplex in Mountain Park. We've been slowly packing for about two weeks now and we should be ready to move all the furniture on Sunday.

We have had a love/hate relationship with our apartment since we've been here. Love for the first couple of years and hate for last few. Which makes this next part super easy to type...

Things I won't miss about apartment living:
1. Listening to the people above us solve their differences by what only can be described as a screaming contest.
2. Listening to the movie the people below us are watching.
3. Accidentally walking up on a guy who is peeing on the recycling dumpster.
4. This closet.
5. Jockeying for a parking spot if you get home anytime after 9pm.
6. The white walls, white cabinets, white baseboards, white doors and white blinds.
7. The guy that throws his cigarette butts on my front porch. It's the same guy that spits loogies on my front porch.

The one and only thing I will miss about my apartment:
This view.
We're looking forward to seeing you at our new place!

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