Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Time traveling

You know how sometimes you smell something and it instantly takes you somewhere else? For example, anytime I smell cinnamon rolls, I feel like I'm standing in front of a Cinnabon at the airport. Well, the same thing happens to me with music, certain songs in particular.

Last week, a bunch of my co-workers and I went roller skating. I remember going to roller skating parties as a kid-- piling in the car, driving to Wakefield, skating in the basement of the bowling alley. This roller rink is a little nicer-- it's at Oaks Park, Portland's quaint little amusement park by the river. We hit the rink hard, did the tempo skate (that's where everyone jam skates really fast around the outside edge) and even the backwards skate.

And then it happened. Someone, probably one of my REI co-workers, requested "Blame it on the Rain" by Milli Vanilli. And, poof! I was instantly transported back to 2nd grade again. All I needed to make it complete was Sarah Hekmati and Carla Kemp. We were the hottest little skaters the poor boys of Wakefield, Nebraska had ever seen.

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