Monday, December 03, 2007

My roommate is back!

That's right. Jen came to visit. My very first Portland-made friend. We met at REI about 4 years ago when we were both hired as "seasonal employees" for the holidays. We had about 2 minutes of training and then were scooted out to the sales floor to provide North Face Denali jackets to the teenage masses of Lake Oswego. Next thing we knew, we were roommates and Jen was tap-dancing in the hallway of our duplex.

You know how people always say, "Oh, when you meet that one person, you will just know." The people are usually talking about couples, soulmates. I think it works the same way with friends. Something between Jen and I just clicked. It worked. Did you know that Jen once called in sick to two of her jobs so she could go to the beach with me for my birthday? Well, she did and that's how I knew. Knew we'd be soulmates. J-pup was in town for the weekend and we got to spend a lot of time together-- mostly eating and drinking time-- but lots of time. And nothing has changed. Maybe distance does make the friendship grow fonder.Jen, I already miss you! Move back!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh gayle. i LOVE the tribute to our friendship (tear.) i actually did cry just a little when i got home on sunday night. part of it pure exhaustion from traveling, part of it just being sad to leave all my friends. i just really miss you guys so much sometimes. hopefully some day we will be neighbors and will grow old together!
love love,