Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Opening Day!

So, did we make to opening day at Mt. Crescent? Why, of-course we did!

Our little ripper only wanted to take one run and then spent the rest of the morning playing in the snow. But, there were no tears or fears and in our book, that's a win folks!

(Um, never mind the brown grass.)

Monday, December 29, 2014

A new tradition

Ice skating! If you do it two years in a row, it's officially a tradition right? We followed up last year's ice skating excursion in Houston with a visit to the rink in downtown Omaha this year. Kate's little cries of, "I'm doing it! I'm skating!" were kind-of the best ever.


The newest baby boy cousin, Lucas Tate. 
We were so excited to meet this little cutie over Christmas, welcome to the family Lucas!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Visit with the Big Guy

I feel like we are kind-of in this weird in-between sort-of stage when it comes to Christmas this year. Kate is super excited about Christmas and presents and Santa, but really isn't quite sure how it all works.

Over the course of the last week, I have fielded questions like:
"Does Santa bring the toys?"
"Why don't we have a chimney?"
"Does Santa come in our door?"
"Santa knows if I'm nice right?"

She seems to know what's up, but then....not quite. But, you have to admit, a guy that delivers toys to every house with a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer all in one night? Slightly hard to believe.

Despite the skepticism, we still made our annual visit to see Santa himself.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Little Tree

A certain little someone sure is proud of the 2 foot tree in her bedroom...

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

O Christmas Tree!

Does it seem to you that Christmas came even earlier this year? Everyone seemed to be talking/instagramming/blogging about Christmas the minute the Halloween costumes came off. Me included! I absolutely could not wait to get our tree up this year, so on Saturday, we trekked out to Bennington Pines and found ourselves a beauty.

(Kate would like the fashion world to know that she is starting a new trend: pattern-blocking. Look for it on the runways soon.)